Happy Friday, friends!

I have two more St. Patricks Day cards to show you, and then I’ll be on to some more special baby cards and some samples of my “Using Vellum” cards for my class on the 18th. AND . . . . Easter is coming up! Isn’t it kinda crazy how we just hurry along from one holiday to the next? Sometimes it almost feels like “too much” . . . but then I pull out my gorgeous supplies, start creating, and am in my zone!!

A dear friend mentioned a couple things to me about St. Patrick’s Day that she thought I might want to tell you . . and also to “enhance” my own enjoyment of this holiday. The title of this post, above, was the first thing she mentioned. While not literally true, of course, its fun to get in the swing of things and enjoy the merriment, no matter what nationality you are!

My favorite, however, was this: “Did you ever hear of any guy (or girl!) being told to leave a bar on March 17th because he isn’t Irish???” Nope! Sure haven’t . . . .and in many places the green beer flows freely on that day!

However you celebrate, or even if you don’t celebrate, have a great St. Patrick’s Day next week. And if you still need to send a card, here are two more inspirations for you!

Both of these cards are made with lovely papers from a company called “Authentique”. They’ve been around quite awhile and I have used lots of their papers. They focus on a vintage look, which I love!

This Authentique card is one of my favorites! Lots of colorful details of this buxom beauty, which I even embellished with a bit of Stickles (liquid glitter) for the shamrocks.

Thanks for checking us out today, and hope you’re inspired to send a couple of cards this holiday! Remember . . . . receiving a handmade card would SO bless someone in your life!!

Hugs! Janice

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