I think I might be the only person in the United States who doesn’t like Pumpkin Spice Lattes (I actually can’t STAND them!!) . . . but my life is just full of pumpkins right now, anyway!! Crafting companies are always 100% on board with the Halloween holiday, and this year is no exception. Many of my favorite companies and designers have the CUTEST pumpkins for us to stamp, diecut, and decorate with!
This first pumpkin is an easel card I actually made last year, right at the end of the season, as I didn’t get the die purchased ’til then. These pumpkins are SO cute and you can just go crazy with papers and colors and embellishments. As an easel card, that small piece of paper that I wrote on inside the card, acts as a “bumper” for the front of the card to hold it open so you can display it. I have TONS of these cards made up, and will be selling them at a craft fair this month. If you’d like to purchase any just let me know and I’ll send you more photos to choose from. They’re $7.00 each not including postage . . . but what a CUTE statement they make for Halloween fun!

As you know, I love the vintage look. (well, my business is Bella Cosa Vintage, after all!!) And you also know this doesn’t mean that every single thing I make is “vintage style” . . . but it’s still my favorite! I have a couple of designers I love to follow, and who offer many free digital downloads that are vintage. These cards are from one made with images from one of those artists, and she’ll be on a list I’m working on for you, with contacts for my favorite papers, designers, embellishments, etc etc.

Hope you’re having fun creating some Halloween cards or decor . . . stay tuned, as I’ll be showing you more of mine soon! Happy Crafting and hugs to all!