Happy Tuesday! I’ve got several cards to show you today, and I’m hoping that somewhere in here you’ll find some inspiration for your own card making! After the holidays, many of us experience a kind of “let down” . . . while on the one hand, we’re ready for a bit of calm after the chaos, on the other hand we’re thinking “ok . . . I have nothing pressing today, so what am I going to do???”
The answer? Create some new cards, of course . . . a new year always needs some new cards! The first four photos below are three more of the eight cards we’ll be making in my “Eight Essentials for Your Stash” workshop, on February 18th in Grass Valley. All the details of this workshop are in my last post, along with my first two card photos . . . .but if you have any questions, holler! I still have openings, and would love to have you join us!
This line of paper had the pretty plaid along with florals, so I just had to use it as an accent on the second panel. Isn’t it pretty? Its great when paper companies do all the color coordinating for you!
Hope you’ve enjoyed my recent creations! I’m really looking forward to this workshop next month. I hate when I need a card on the spur of the moment, and don’t have one . . . making cards under pressure is not my forte, and I much prefer having at least a small “stash” to choose from. Hope you’re having a good week. Remember . . . . create something every day!!
Hugs! Janice